
/ / People

National    International  Prof. D. DrainasProf. G. SpyrouliasProf. S. TaravirasProf. A. SpyridonidisProf. S. PournarasAs. Prof. D. PapachristouAs. Prof. G. AmoutziasDr A. Papakyriakou   Prof. H. D. Becker, University of Strasbourg, FranceDr. Jinwei Zhang,NIH , USADr F. Jossinet, IBMC-CNRS, Strasbourg, FranceProf. M. Ibba, The Ohio State University, USAProf. D. Söll, Yale University, USA


/ / People

  Maria Apostolidi, PhDCurrent Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Yale University School of MedicineContact her at:   Dimitrios Anastasakis, PhDCurrent Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate at National Institutes of HealthContact him at:   Parthena Konstantinidou, MScCurrent Position: BENAKI Phytopathological Institute (BPI)Contact her at: Aikaterini Lamprinou, MScContact her at: a.lamprinou@upnet.grCurriculum Vitae                Vicky Katopodi, MScCurrent Position: PhD Student at KU LeuvenContact her at: vickykatopodi@gmail.comCurriculum Vitae               David…

Group Members

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Katerina Grafanaki, MD, PhDContact her at: grafanaki@med.upatras.grCurriculum Vitae Vicky Stamatopoulou, PhDAssistant ProfessorContact her at: v.stam@upatras.grCurriculum Vitae Ilias Skeparnias, Biologist, PhD Contact him at: iskeparnias@upatras.grCurriculum Vitae Athanasios N. Shaukat, Biologist, MSc PhD studentContact him at: shaukat.ath@gmail.comCurriculum Vitae Eleni Kaliatsi, Biotechnologist, MSc PhD studentContact her at: lenakaliatsi@hotmail.grCurriculum Vitae   Giorgos Kyriakopoulos, Pharmacist, MSc PhD studentContact him at: gkyriakop.123@gmail.comCurriculum Vitae Nikoleta Giarimoglou, Biochemist, MScPhD studentContact her at: n.giarimoglou@upatras.grCurriculum Vitae Adamantia Kouvela, Molecular Biologist, MScPhD studentContact her at:   …

Group Leader

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Professor Constantinos Stathopoulos is the leader of the RNA Biology group at the University of Patras. He has been postdoctoral fellow at Yale University (1998-2001) and Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly (2002-2009).In 2009 he joined the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Patras School of Medicine as Associate Professor and since 2014 he is…