Publications 1995-2000

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1995 Stathopoulos C., Kalpaxis D. L., and Drainas D. Partial purification and characterization of RNase Ρ from Dictyostelium discoideum. Eur. J. Biochem. 228: 976-980. 1998 Tekos A., Stathopoulos C., and Drainas D. (1998) Bimodal action of the alkaline earth cations on Dictyostelium discoideum ribonuclease Ρ activity. Biochemistry 37: 15474-15480. 1999 Tekos A., Tsagla A., Stathopoulos C., and Drainas D. (1999) Inhibition Dictyostelium discoideum ribonuclease Ρ activity by aminoglycosides. Nucleic Acids Symp. Series…

Publications 2001-2005

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2001 Stathopoulos C., Jacquin-Becker C., Becker H.D., Li T., Ambrogelly A., Longman R. and Söll D. Methanococcus jannaschii Prolyl-Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase possesses overlapping amino acid binding sites. Biochemistry 40: 46-52. Stathopoulos C., Tekos A., Zarkadis, I. and Drainas D. (2001) Extensive deproteinization of Dictyostelium discoideum RNase Ρ reveals a new catalytic activity. Eur. J. Biochem. 268: 2134-214 Ibba M., Stathopoulos C. and Söll D. . Protein Synthesis: 23 Amino acids and counting. Current Biology 11: 563-565.…

Publications 2006-2010

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2006 KottaridiBolanaki E., MamurisZ., StathopoulosC.andMarkoulatosP. Molecular phylogeny of VP1, 2A and 2B genes of echovirus isolates: epidemiological linkage and observations on genetic variation 151: 1117-1132. PaximadiE., KarakasiliotisI., MamurisZ., StathopoulosC., KrikelisV. andMarkoulatosP. GenomicanalysisrecombinantSabinclinicalisolatesVirus Genes 32: 203-210. (IF: ) Vourekas A., Kalavrizioti D., Stathopoulos C., (*) and Drainas D. Modulation of catalytic RNA biological activity by small molecule effectors. 6: 971-978. (*)corresponding author Kalavrizioti D. Vourekas A., Stamatopoulou, V., Toumpeki C., Giannouli S., Stathopoulos C., (*) and Drainas D. RNA-mediated therapeutics: from…

Publications 2011-2015

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2012 Balatsos N. A. A., Vlachakis D., Chatzigeorgiou V., Manta S., Komiotis D., Vlassi M. and Stathopoulos C. (*) (*) correspondingauthor Tsikrikonis G., Maniatis A.N., Labrou M., Ntokou E., Michail G., Daponte A., Stathopoulos C., Tsakris A. and Pournaras S. Differences in biofilm formation and virulence genes between clinical and fecal enterococcal isolates of human and animal origin. Microbial Pathogenesis 52: 336-343. Ntokou E., Stathopoulos C., Kristo I., Dimitroulia E.,…